The ERSBio Time and Attendance Module enables companies to accurately manage employee attendance, hours worked, overtime taken and leave submitted

The ERS Biometrics Time and Attendance Module enables companies to accurately manage their employee attendance, hours worked, overtime taken, leave submitted, etc, ensuring an automated, simplified workforce management solution. The module takes away many of the manual processes associated with payroll and staff administration, allowing for easy exception management, while reducing human error.
- Schedule Your Shifts / Rostering
- Comprehensive reports, with auto-report functionality
- Leave Management
- Pre-loading of Overtime
- Clock Management
- Export to Payroll
Thank you to you and your team. They were here in full force and installation went down
without any complaints or problems.

ERSBio has cut down our payroll from a 5 day process to just 2 days!

Met tot 500 werkers wat uurliks betaal word, speel ERS 'n baie groot rol om te verseker
dat die regte ure per persoon gemeet word en die korrekte betalings daarvolgens
gedoen word. Sodoende word onakkurate ure en oortyd uitgesny.

The Time & Attendance Solution they provided totally changed the way we do business.

We have 103 employees with different work schedules and arrangements. The system is a big help in checking work times and exporting to payroll.

It now takes me 1 day to run through the clocks and process the data for the HR Department, as opposed to 3 days or longer on the old system.

We had a very positive experience with everyone, from the Sales team, all the way to installation. Thank you for the quick work, considering how remote we are situated.

We currently have the ERS clocking system installed in 9 provinces and all clocks are administered from one central office.

I would recommend ERS Biometrics to any company looking for a fantastic and user-friendly system. The training was easy to understand and follow.

Access to the Estate is now controlled effectively and accurately.